Wednesday 5 December 2012


we were given the task of finding fonts to go with 5 different genres.. Horror, Romance, Action, Sci-fi and Historical Drama. these are the fonts I chose and why I chose them.

Thursday 22 November 2012

20 things to do in photoshop

Adding noise
Brush tool
Dark tones
Plastic wrap
Rubber tool
Text tool + Drop shadow
Diffused glow
Lens flare
Gaussian blur
Flip 180
Bas relief
Black and white
Make it look like a photocopy
Motion blur
Film grain
Clone tool

Thursday 15 November 2012

Firstly we got taught the basics of editing models on photoshop, we learnt how to use the spot healing tool and other basic tools like cut, scale, move, rotate etc.

Here's my picture:

Thursday 13 September 2012

Creating an illustration in Adobe Illustrator

This is my final illustration.

This is the image I used to create the illustration
To get everybody used to Adobe Illustrator we were set a task of creating an illustration of ourselves, to do this I firstly used PhotoBooth to take a picture of myself I could use as a guide. I imported the image of myself into Illustrator and began to add shapes using the pen tool. I started with the basic shapes E.g. head, hair etc. You create the shapes using straight and curved lines which you can then add colour to, this makes up the illustration.  Making the smaller and more detailed features of my face however were more difficult as the shapes had to be cleaner and fit together well, I had to zoom in to do this. As illustrator uses layers, and creates a new layer for each shape or line, you can rearrange these layers and this is another thing I found quite difficult as layering the illustration in the correct order to make it look right. Getting the colours right were also hard, I used the 'Eyedropper tool' where I could (clothing etc.) but had to create my own colours on skin, hair, eyes etc as the eyedropper tool gave me a drop of colour and when the whole shape was made that colour it didn't look right. I finished off by adding a background to the illustration. I found this task fairly easy as I've used illustrator to do similar things in the past.
This is the first shape I made - my face.
I next made my hat
Then my hair
After that I created my neck
Then added the shapes making my hoody
Made ears
Added more detail to my hoody, including 'CARHARTT', the shadow between my hoody and neck and the strings.

I started to make the details on my face. Eyes, lips etc.
I added lines to make my nose and adams apple. Also an earring and the snaps on my cap.
Finally Added a background colour. 

This is the pen tool icon inside illustrator.

This is the eyedropper tool icon in illustrator.