Wednesday 24 July 2013

DVD sleeve and posters - development

This is the first draft of my first poster, as explained in my proposal I wanted to create two different posters in order to create synergy and 'a buzz' around the film I am advertising. I went with a simple poster which displayed only the vital information needed on a poster.
This is another version of my first poster, on this one I have slightly edited the models skin in order to give a more professional and better looking poster, I have also moved the model down slighty and made him a little bit bigger in order to make him more focal and less 'white space' on the page.
I have made the model even bigger on this draft and moved him down once again, this means the white button which was interfering with the date at the bottom of the page is now pretty much out of view completely.
On this one I have added a lens flair and a slight colour readjustment, the lens flair adds another level to the poster. I don't like this as the simple and clean poster, in my opinion, has been spoilt. However the colour adjustment fits in well with the name of the film as he is slightly pink.
This is the first draft of my second poster for 'Pink Diamond' here I have kept the simple title and date but have used a very strong filter on a different image of my model, I think this works very well as it shrouds the film in mystery.

Here I have used the paint tool to add drops of pink to the typography of the title. This also fits in with the name of the film however I think it makes the title look very messy.

Here instead of the pink paint been on the title it is on the arm of the main character, I think this works better than it been on the lettering.
Here I put the paint on both the title and on the arm of the model, I think this looks very messy and doesn't work well at all.

This is my DVD sleeve. I started by designing the front cover (right hand panel). After conducting research on other DVD sleeves of films of a similar genre I knew which important information I would need to add to this section of the sleeve, I wanted to carry the simple and clean theme going throughout the films lifespan so decided to carry it on here so I used the bare minimal information on the cover. I put the title, name of the director, pictures of the main character and the age rating. I didn't just want to use one image of my main character on the front as DJ'ing and the general theme of the film involves movement and change. Therefore I designed a three tiered look in which I separated using black boxes. I think this works very well and looks good. I next started to design the spine of the DVD sleeve, here I knew I again needed the title and an age rating. However when I had added these two features I decided to add another image of the main character. I did this because when a DVD is stacked up with other DVD's the only thing visible is the spine and I think when this film comes out the main character would instantly be loved by the audience, therefore he will be a recognizable face and will help people chose this DVD to watch. When it came to the back there are certain things you must have, these include a small synopsis of the film and the information box (white box at bottom) which includes the age rating, bar code and information about the film (running time, subtitles etc.) I also wanted to add screenshots of the film to entice the potential audience who may pick up the DVD to look whether they'd like to buy it or not.

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